Good evening,

I haven’t written here since August. A couple weeks after I got back from Zambia I was in a pretty intense accident. I was skateboarding down a couple hills in the mountains of North Carolina on a road trip. I jumped off my skateboard and then tripped and fell. I broke my clavicle and hit my head on the ground. I had to be rushed to a hospital and then flown to another hospital for emergency brain surgery. Basically, I started bleeding badly internally from the severe trauma that occurred to my head from the fall.
After surgery I stayed in the hospital for about three weeks. When I was released, I came back home and went through three different types of therapy. Speech, physical and occupational therapy. Now this probably sounds like a terrible story that I’m telling here. Despite what it looks like on paper, it was honestly one of the most life-changing experiences I’ve had but in the best way.
When people found out I was going into surgery they instantly started praying. My mom was the main messenger of this and sent out updates to people about what was going on. Between my home church’s prayer night, Bayside Community Church, and my mission organization, Overland Missions, the word of what happened was spread like wildfire. This turned into something that people all around the world were praying for. The amount that the Lord was able to do during this is incomprehensible. This accident occurred September 4th, 2021. Two months after the accident I was able to start serving at my church again. Now it’s January 2022 and I am getting stronger and stronger day by day. I can honestly say that am fully healed. What the doctors thought would take years to recover from was done in a handful of months. I had my last doctor appointment on December 21st, 2021. The Lord’s hand on me during this time brings me to tears every time I think about it.
Truly the amount that I have learned during this time of rehabilitation has been absolutely priceless. It seems strange to feel happy about something like this, but I truthfully wouldn’t trade it for anything. Day after day I hear testimonies of what God has done with the testimony of my healing. Relationships have been renewed, faith has strengthened, and other healings have taken place. He has taught me an endless wealth of knowledge during this time that I’ve been able to spend seeking Him uninterrupted.
So, I’m starting full-time missions! I have joined staff with Overland Missions on their media team. This essentially means that I will be traveling around the world to the most distant and unreached places to not only do ministry but also to take photos and film video. My heart behind film and photography is to show what the Lord is doing in the nations. It’s to encourage the church around the world and to help build their faith. Those who have been giving financially to missionaries and praying for years for revival will get the chance to see the product of their giving to the Kingdom. This is something that is extremely near and dear to my heart. I have a passion for storytelling, and I couldn’t feel more humbled to be trusted to tell the stories of what God is doing in the hearts of His people around the world.
I will be based at our world headquarters in Cocoa Beach, FL. From there I will be launching out on many trips throughout the year.
Once I am fully funded, I will be moving to Cocoa Beach and starting my full-time missions future. If it is on your heart at all to partner with me on this journey God has me on, please reach out. I am currently developing a team of monthly and annual partners. Basically, this means that a partner will support me both prayer-fully and financially. You are not just giving to me, but you are giving to the Kingdom. You might have missions on your heart, but you know you aren’t called to be the hands and feet on the ground, and this is the perfect way to involve yourself in that call.
Feel free to contact me with questions you might have!
Until next time,
Victoria Anderson